Integral Oneness

The vision of integral Oneness, as propounded by Sankaracharya and enriched by later visionaries and teachers of the Vedanta tradition including the discoveries of modern science and fruits of rational humanist thoughts.


We are for freedom of the individual and the full flowering of human potential.


The protection of our environment, empowered womanhood, empowered youth, interfaith and science-spirituality dialogues, and for the highest standards of ethics in personal and public life.


Our forays into the fields of management and leadership, psychotherapy and human potential development are part of our efforts to bring the insights of Vedanta into the daily life of people and the affairs of the larger community.

Our Mission

  • Engaging in various programmes and activities that will fulfill the Vision towards the uplift and empowerment of humanity in general without any discrimination as to caste, creed, color, religion or gender.

  • To inculcate spiritual and moral values in the society.

  • spiritual and philosophical education based on the study and practice of Vedantic scriptures and Indian culture.

  • To encourage and develop scientific temper in thinking.

  • To engage in activities that support the poor and economically backward sections of the society, and the needy general public.

  • To encourage and develop artistic talents, cognitive and creative capabilities.

  • To encourage and develop ecological awareness

Words Of Wisdom!

If at all I have a mission, it is to laugh and laugh, and encourage a few others to laugh with me and ultimately seduce the whole creation to roar a cosmic laughter.

Swami Bhodhananda

വരുണേടത്തു വെച്ച് കാണാമെന്ന ഉദാസീന സമീപനത്തേക്കാൾ കാണേണ്ടത് മുൻകൂട്ടി നിശ്ചയിച്ച് അത് കാണാൻ വേണ്ട ആസൂത്രണം ചെയ്യുന്നതാണ് ഭംഗി.

സ്വാമി അദ്ധ്യാത്മാനന്ദ

Goal realisation is God realisation.
All aspects of human problems are inter-connected. Simply put, the scriptures ask you to set a goal ...

Swami Bhodhananda

സർവ്വേശ്വരൻ കനിഞ്ഞു നൽകിയ സർഗ്ഗശേഷികൾ പരനന്മക്കുതകും പ്രകാരം പ്രകാശിപ്പിക്കണം. അത് നമ്മുടെ ഉത്തരവാദിത്വമാകുന്നു. മറ്റുള്ളവരുടെ അവകാശമാകുന്നു. അത് നിഷേധിക്കാൻ നമുക്ക് അധികാരമില്ലെന്നും ഓർമ്മിക്കാം.

സ്വാമി അദ്ധ്യാത്മാനന്ദ

What We Offer

Our goal is our starting point.

Why Choose Sambodh

We Created it With Love

The upliftment of society and the individual through spiritual learning is an essential part of any spiritual journey. Spiritual learning allows individuals to develop greater self-awareness, a deeper understanding of one's place in the world and a strong connection to the divine or higher power. Spiritual learning can be achieved through various means such as meditation, contemplation, prayer, inner reflection, study of sacred texts, and regular practice of spiritual disciplines. Through spiritual learning, individuals are able to gain insight into the true nature of their existence and how to live in harmony with it.

Sambodh Foundation provides the arena for such practices for all ages in all walks of life.

Why Spirituality?

Designing life for you

Our forays into the fields of management and leadership, psychotherapy and human potential development are part of our efforts to bring the insights of Vedanta in the modern idiom into the daily life of people and the affairs  of the larger community. Spiritual learning is a powerful tool for individual and societal upliftment. By cultivating an understanding of the spiritual, individuals can develop a greater sense of self-awareness. By engaging in spiritual learning, individuals can tap into a greater power that can provide support and guidance when faced with life’s obstacles.

By teaching spiritual values and principles to young people, Sambodh Foundation creates a more compassionate and just society based on interconnectedness and respect for all life forms.

Colorizing Life With Spirituality

Inner Developement

Coloring our lives with spiritual upliftment means to focus on our inner self, developing a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the things we have, and to be open to receiving divine guidance. When we are in harmony with our spiritual beliefs, we can experience true joy in our lives. We can start by being mindful of our thoughts and words, and taking time to appreciate the beauty around us. We can focus on our relationships with others, being sure to cultivate kindness and love in all of our interactions. We can practice self-care, taking time for reflection and relaxation to stay connected to our inner being.

By colorizing our life with spiritual upliftment, we can be open to welcoming joy and happiness into all parts of it.